After the episode with Irene Olczak, and another with Clement Dumais, Camille Azoulai, the co-founder of Funky Veggie is our 3rd guest! She tells about her 5 months of intense fundraising, and the daily pressure that a business manager can experience. In the program ?
HO KALM is our podcast to deconstruct stress. In each episode, Laure, the founder of Ho Karan, sets out to meet personalities with inspiring stories linked to the stress they experience on a daily basis: artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, medical and holistic experts… The goal? Discover these profiles through a different, very sincere, sometimes vulnerable prism, and offer you the keys, via these concrete examples, to better channel your daily stress.
If its name is perhaps unknown to you, you have surely discovered its healthy and gourmet snacks when you do your shopping: its “OUF” spread whose feat is to contain no oil, its famous vegan-friendly energy balls , or its chips made from chickpeas. His idea: to democratize healthy food (for the body, and the planet), and to do it with a lot of pleasure. Camille has just lived a very intense and stressful period: fundraising (on and Femmes Business Angels). She discusses the joys and sorrows of this frenetic period: legitimacy (since 2008, startups founded by women have raised only 2,2% of investments), his self-taught journey (Camille created Funky Veggie during his master's degree, after living in China), the double days, the financial pressure, the constant mental load when running a business, weight loss, conscious eating, the need to compartmentalize and take real breaks to regain one's balance, and above all, the notion of pleasure, which guides all his ambitions in life.
Listen to this episode of the HO KALM podcast on ACast, Spotify, Deezer, Apple Podcast et Podcast Addict.
- Take care of your diet: more natural and plant-based, and above all, the one that suits you.
- Inject pleasure into your daily life: even if it is not productive!
- Knowing how to say no: take breaks, and lighten your weeks.