In our anti-holiday book (offered in all orders in August), you will find several pages of games to clear your head, including a coloring page. But do you really know the mental health benefits of this not-so-childish art? We take stock.
In our anti-holiday book (offered in all orders in August), you will find several pages of games to clear your head, including a coloring page. But do you really know the mental health benefits of this not-so-childish art? We take stock.
The benefits of coloring
For 10 years, it has been impossible to walk through a bookstore without noticing the piles of coloring books for adults. Jardins Secrets published by Marabout sold more than 200.000 copies a few years ago! For comparison, the average circulation of a book in France is 5000 copies according to 400.000 sales for a Goncourt price... much less for the others. Mandalas, flowers, hypnotizing geometric shapes and even suggestive illustrations have even boosted sales of colored pencils in France. The reason: this category of DIY has many virtues for the mind. According to an American study conducted by Girija Kaimal (president of the American Art Therapy Association and professor at Drexel College, the University of Nursing and Health Professions), when we color, a particular area in the brain s active: the medial prefrontal cortex. The very one who is involved in the circuit of the reward, at the origin of the pleasure. No matter the result, coloring or drawing instinctively can boost concentration, reduce negative emotions and de-stress!
It is the principle ofart therapy : a form of psychotherapy according to passport-health, which uses artistic creation (drawing, painting, collage, sculpture) to make contact with one's inner life (feelings, dreams, unconscious...), to express it and to transform oneself. A mode of intervention widely used in the field of health, in particular to release certain emotions. Fun fact: some experts consider coloring as effective as a meditation session, and the way you do it can reveal a lot of your personality (shape of the line, colors used...).
HO KARAN coloring page
Ready to disconnect?
Draw out your shades of green and color our Breton hemp flowers. A coloring page to find in our holiday notebook, or to print below. What if that happens, to offer you a real introspection (and also, to bless the rainy days).
During the holidays, disconnect thanks to the HO KALM podcast which, thanks to our guests and their life journeys, is full of ideas for a more peaceful life!
In Paris in August? Visit the HO KARAN Center, our new space dedicated to well-being thanks to hemp, at 65 rue de Bretagne, with boutique, café, concept store and atypical experiences.
Finally, for any order placed in August, we offer you our anti-holiday notebook filled with games anything but puzzles to forget your daily life (and your phone) for a moment!