During the back-to-school period - transition between a well-deserved summer and often a rather busy month of September - this is THE perfect time to treat yourself to a massage. A well-being parenthesis where you can let go to give your body renewal, enough to attack this new year, without stress!
Last minute offer: to allow you to start the year with peace of mind, we are offering you a 10% reduction on any treatment purchased before Sunday, September 03, 2023.
During the back-to-school period - transition between a well-deserved summer and often a rather busy month of September - it's THE ideal time to treat yourself to a massage. A well-being parenthesis where you can let go to give your body renewal, enough to attack this new year, without stress! And probably the best of all resolutions ;)
You loved our CBD "Anti-Burn Out" massage treatment in our nomadic cabin at the HOY Hotel, it is now open for reservation in the HO KARAN Center in a new, even more soothing version!
An anti-stress massage has multiple benefits, for body and mind. Here are already 3 that could change your back to school and the weeks to come:
1. Relieve muscle tension:
Back pain, neck pain, tense shoulders… 81% of French people suffer from muscle tension (according to Ifop). An inconvenience that often comes from innocuous gestures, but repeated daily: bad posture, the not great mattress of your vacation spot, carrying shopping bags that are too heavy, watching television from the wrong angle... Not to mention the fatigue and the stress !
In this way, and repeated, the muscle increases in tone and finds it difficult to return to its initial position - it is tense, contracted (sometimes without even noticing it) and often generates pain. Massage helps to promote muscle flexibility and release muscle tension that can easily ruin our lives, and/or cause us to adopt bad postures.
2. Reduce or prevent stress:
If summer is a time when we tend to let go, the start of the school year, its lot of novelties and requests can quickly make us forget all the good energies stored up. Massages reduce stress, it is scientifically proven.
More precisely, the movements on the skin and the solicitation of the dermis (the deep layer of the skin) soothe the muscles, and greatly reduce the production of cortisol, the stress hormone - in favor of serotonin and endorphin, hormones of relief and pleasure.
Stress is our expertise at HO KARAN since 2015! We have developed massage protocols designed to rebalance hormones promoting serenity, in alliance with the soothing power of our Amazing Oil and our Miracle Balm, both enriched with hemp oil and CBD with recognized anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties.
3. Better sleep:
If you have difficulty falling asleep or sleeping 7 to 8 hours for long restful nights, massage can be a powerful ally. In general, the state of calm begins as soon as you step into a spa: dimmed light, relaxing music, diffusion of essential oils... A state of calm and zenitude when the parasympathetic system is stimulated: decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure… Tensions are released, blood and lymphatic circulation optimized… The key to restorative nights of sleep if you suffer from insomnia or have difficulty falling asleep. Moreover, according to the academy of massage and orthotherapy, 80% of people massaged notice better sleep, the two days following a massage. - a soothing and lasting effect - everything you need to get back on track! A little extra help? A few drops of theSilent Night Antidote, our sublingual oil with targeted active ingredients for sleep before going to bed, or a cup of lOKLM brew to the CBD during the evening!
Book your "Anti-Burn Out" massage at HO KARAN Center !
Our new Parisian location is a boutique, but also a care centre! From September 2022, discover our signature massage, the "Anti-Burn Out" treatment. If some have already tested it in our nomadic cabin at the HOY Hotel, at the HO KARAN Center, this body and face massage is even longer (1h30) and more intense in relaxation! Provided with HO KARAN oils and treatments formulated from hemp and CBD for ultimate relaxation, our signature treatment was created using a technique directly inspired by Shiatsu. The idea: modeling and pressure on the body's reflex points to plunge the body and mind into a state of deep relaxation, undo stress knots and release energy. A good reset to maximize the relaxing effect of the holidays (already too far away)!
book your massage au HO KARAN Center !
Discover our cocoon of serenity in the heart of the Marais, facing a green setting. Past the doors of our spa, time slows down, mind and body relax thanks to the hands of our practitioners and the soothing powers of our treatments.
LAST MINUTE OFFER: 10% reduction for any treatment booked before Sunday, September 03 included.
Book now in line or:
- By phone at
- By email: serviceclient@hokaran.fr
- At the counter, directly at the HO KARAN Centre: 65, rue de Bretagne 75003 Paris, open 7 days a week from 7:10 a.m. to 30:19 p.m.