What if disconnecting during the holidays could change your whole year? We decipher the impact of a real break on our mental health and the HO KARAN team gives you its favorite spots to take to the open sea.
A new podcast episode, where we talk with the founder of Yogascope about the mental health benefits of travel. How to disconnect this summer? Where to go to get out of your comfort zone? A conversation that will probably change your summer, and back to school with it!
Time for yourself (or together), a good night's sleep and a stress-free daily life. All our gift ideas to appease parents with the most rhythmic daily lives.
June 11, 2022 is World Wellness Day. Meditation, yoga, healthy eating… What if, above all, cultivating joy was the first remedy for a more peaceful life?
Ensuring the well-being of your body and mind is not that complicated - and often scientifically proven. Small non-exhaustive list of virtuous ideas to take care of your mental health and start the year stress-free.
What budget to plan, which cities to choose, what are her best tips for starting your life as a Digital Nomad. After 8 months of experience, the founder of HO KARAN tells us.
It has been a few months since Laure, founder of HO KARAN, became “Digital Nomad”. The idea: to no longer have a fixed place and to live where the wind takes her, everywhere in the world - and therefore, to work there too. In this first part, she tells why she embarked on this ...