Our collection of bottles

Deposit objective: we now collect your glass bottles at the HO KARAN Centre.

Since May 26, we have launched the collection of used bottles at the HO KARAN Center at 65 rue de Bretagne 75003 Paris.

Deposit objective: we now collect your glass bottles at the HO KARAN Centre.

Since May 26, we have launched the collection of used bottles at the HO KARAN Center at 65 rue de Bretagne 75003 Paris.

Why did you choose glass bottles?

We are well aware since the creation of HO KARAN that putting a product on the market is putting waste on the market. We were accompanied by the GoodPlanet Foundation for the creation of our packaging and we chose glass for several reasons:

For reasons of product preservation:

  • The glass provides a excellent oxygen barrier, light and external contaminants, helping to protect cosmetic products from degradation due to these factors. This can be particularly important for products sensitive to oxidation or light degradation.
  • The glass is chemically stable and non-reactive, which means that it does not interact with the cosmetics it contains. It thus preserves integrity and the quality of cosmetic formulations without altering their composition.
  • The glass is a non-porous material that does not absorb or retain bacteria, making it a choice hygienic for cosmetics. It is easy to clean and sterilize, which is important for products that come into direct contact with the skin or eyes.

For environmental reasons:

The glass is completely infinitely recyclable, making it an environmentally friendly material. Glass packaging can be recovered, melted down and used to make new glass packaging, reducing raw material demand and environmental impact.

Indeed, 77% of glass bottles and flasks are recycled in France, i.e. more than 3 out of 4 bottles (2017 Ademe figure), against 26% only plastic waste.

Now we want to go further.

A well-known process for giving a second life to glass bottles is the order. It is a system in which manufacturers or distributors add a small additional amount to the price of containers (such as glass or plastic bottles) sold to consumers. This additional amount is called "deposit". When consumers return empty containers to specific collection points, they receive a refund of the deposit amount they paid. Returned containers are then collected, sorted and recycled to be transformed into new products, thus helping to reduce waste and promote the reuse of materials.

However, glass recycling is energy-intensive since it takes approximately 4000kJ to melt 1kg of colored glass. For comparison, 1km by diesel car request 2000kJ. In the entire glass recycling process, which includes the steps of collecting, sorting, cleaning and melting glass to make new products, it is the step of glass heating at high temperature during melting, which is the most High energy.

In order to limit the use of energy, we wish to set up a collection in order to laver et reuse our bottles for put back on the market rather than buying and redecorating hoping that the used bottles will be recycled.

How to set up this system?

For this setpoint operation to be both ecological industrial printing process et economic, we established two key criteria.

  • a minimum of 1000 flasks by reference to be able to transport and wash them efficiently.
  • a maximum of operationslocal scale to minimize transport (and therefore our carbon footprint).

Thus, we invite our customers to bring us their bottles directly to our shop located at 65 rue de Bretagne in Paris. Once we have reached the required minimum of 1000 vials, we will be able to laver and reintroducing on the market.

Why not do this operation for e-commerce customers?

It is important to note that, for reasons concerns et contribute, we cannot offer this deposit operation for our online customers.

As glass is a heavy material, the transport of empty bottles would have a energy impact significant on their carbon footprint. It therefore does not make sense today to send empty glass bottles by post to be washed hundreds of kilometers away.

In addition, the cost of a postage for a glass bottle is approximately €5, which would be economically unviable for our company.

Furthermore, setting up a collection point in each city requires complex logistics because the collection point must agree to store 1000 bottles of each reference. It is a long-term solution that we are thinking about but which is complex to implement in practice.

Your opinion is important !

If you have any suggestions on how we could expand this operation, you can contact us on Instagram @hokaran or at serviceclient@hokaran.fr.

Take advantage of our unique offer!
As a thank you for your participation in our deposit initiative, we are offering you a 15% discount on the product of your choice for each bottle returned.


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